2019 Mortgage Cadence Lending Performance Benchmarking Study
Why Benchmarking?
Our seven-year benchmarking study highlights the work Mortgage Cadence has done to guide our clients into rethinking the way they lend. We’re opening up our study to non-clients so that they too can benefit from our findings.
The mortgage market’s past 30 years have been full of high volatility, an environment in which it was hard to plan and even harder to design long-term repeatable processes that produced profitable results.
Even so, the nation’s high performing lenders have consistently realized high profits. The good news? The lending teams from our study are no different than yours. Any reader of this report can achieve the same success.
See what’s inside:
The 5 KPIs that drive high performance lending
The secrets to success for our top performing lenders
How to reverse the industry Productivity and Cost-to-Close trends of recent years
Actionable steps you can take now to improve your lending performance
Expert predictions about the future of the industry
Results from the 2018 data to identify how you measure up
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