Call For Topics
Our team is made up of some of the industry’s best and brightest – we want to hear from you! Last year, we hired a mortgage industry PR firm to help us gain more traction in the industry and increase our brand awareness in the marketplace. They have helped us to secure articles and opinion pieces in top industry publications. As we are asked to participate on more pieces, we are looking to identify subject matter experts from within the organization. Also, we are always looking for more content to share on the blog on our website.
Do you have thoughts to you would like to share, or an article you’d like to author? We’d love to hear from you. Writing isn’t your thing? Don’t worry, we can connect you with a writer who would ghost write the article under your name. To get started, fill out the form below and let us know what you’d like to talk about. Questions? Email Megan Martin and Rachel Selz.
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